David Ross Nonnemaker
Scam: Claims to be rich, retired business man wrongfully convicted for deceptive business practices “theft”embezzlement from mining, timber, land, trucking company, and deep sea mining operation disputes. Claims to have lots of money and wants to spend it. Never to be buying or doing things for himself, but claims he is always wanting to help out an old school friend or family relative and so on.
(Person sending this info has met DAVID ROSS NONNEMAKER, and says that you would not suspect he is what he is.) That's the mark of any successful rat---no visible tail.
He was an informant in Idaho, Montana and their State Prisons about 11-20 years ago. His face and name are too well known there so he is way out west. He is a real fast talker and really talks a big game. All he wants to know is who you know and what you know about any questionable activity. He runs many scams. He lied, setup, and screwed my brother and friends that got convicted and put away for a long time on small non violent charges. I will not let him get away with ruining hard working good people and families. He got no convictions and bought a new truck at the end of the trial? SMALL CHARGES HARD TIME!!! PLEASE STOP HIM and his deceit. His wife, according to the person submitting this, is also part of the informant racket.
His current information..
Age 47 or 48
Married to Cherry V. Nonnemaker
2 young children under 10
Last of many addresses, over 7 in the last three years.
2987 Madrona Dr.
Long View Washington 98632
Signed, by a concerned citizen.
UPDATE March 2009: An anonymous contributor has spotted Nonnemaker at the FOREST CAMP, for State of Oregon low level offenders who are close to the gate, which means Nonnemaker will be paroling in Oregon within months...
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