Pat Kiser
Sheldon Lee Haney
Pat Kiser is about 50-ish, short red dyed hair and walks with a limp. Pat works for Hawthorne Fred Meyers as a grocery checkout clerk. Pat also toots meth, while her Lee slams. These two seem "normal" when you first meet them, but a little "quirky". But piss her off and there is no end to what she'll do to spite you. She has had several restraining orders put on her because she turns into the psycho-bitch-from-hell, throwing handfuls of syringes on the front lawn in front of cops, setting traps for people to fall on, and a host of other spiteful things, like pushing the elderly around. Then, if that doesn't do it, she'll turn to her pet cop, who'll help her out. He'll interfere in civil court proceedings on her behalf, put in a word against you with your PO if you have one, and there's evidence that she'll buy dope, then when she gets pissed off, she'll turn you in for selling dope, forgetting to mention you sold it to HER and/or LEE, who is just as bad as she is.
Lee Haney likes to play head games, he's a lying manipulator and a thief. He threatens and intimidates with his height (he's about 6 ft 4in.) He chased a retreating officer to his car, whining about "broken" junk, and anything else he could think of that people involved might have done illegal, but the poor cop just wanted to get away from this fucking whiner. This is called "dry-snitching". Lee has a history of fraternizing with the Feds. He has been known to be a snitch for about 6 years now, when he rolled on his own partner, who, of course went to prison, while Lee got nothing but a drug program. Lee will tell you he has never been busted for anything more than a little weed---don't believe it. They are also quite accomplished snoops---they'll eavesdrop on the phone, steal your mail, steal info from your phone messages and write down license plates of your visitors, hoping to get some dirt (blackmail ammunition) on you, and they WILL tell on you when they don't get their way.
These two losers live in their red ford van in a SE Portland alley. They both ride bikes everywhere because neither is legal to drive. They are probably living in their red ford van again, because no one wants them in their house. As their history shows, do them a favor, they'll kick you in the teeth anyway---they're both about as self-centered as it gets. Don't be fooled by these two losers, and don't set yourself up to be blackmailed either. Kick these two rats to the curb... once they get their tails in the door, you'll have hell getting rid of them...
Normally, we don't like to include personal vices, but since these two use their habits as a weapon when they get mad, we felt it only right to warn people so they don't get caught by surprise.
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