Robert Piggott and
Jason Murray
Federal confidential in formant in the case:
usa vs. David Behar
John Lagace
Lyndsey Hogue
and Tara Bergstrand
"I know him personally, he tried to set me up. These people were indicted in the largest LSD bust of this millennium so far. I went to federal prison in 1994, on an LSD charge because of a federal informant. I knew what Robert Piggott was, and I fucked him with his own (bad) information. However, two other people David Behar and John Lagace are still facing serious time because of him.
Jason Benjamin Murray, and Robert C. Piggott cooperated with the feds, that's where he started to work for special agent Michael K Robinson. Jason Benjamin Murray received a "5k1" for his cooperation with the feds by turning Robert Piggott onto his Canadian hells angels connection--- Devron Quast.
Jason Benjamin Murray still got 10 years, even with his 5k1, so he looked like a standup guy when he turned Robert Piggott on to his connection Devron Quast. Now Devron Quast and the boys from Canada are all locked up for life in a federal super max, while Robert Piggott continues to travel the country with impunity.
From anonymous reader
submitted by
John W. Neidig, OSB # 88276,
415 NW 18th Avenue
Portland, OR 97219
Attorney for Defendant, Robert Charles Piggott
note-- another reader emailed us saying it was not Piggot involved, so we replied asking for more info. We asked for anything to substantiate their claims, but as of 7-1-2009 we have gotten no response.
Then, we received this post from another visitor---
I have all the proof in the world that ROBERT C. PIGGOTT D.O.B: 07/12/73 is the federal confidential informant in the recent case in Watsonville. Enclosed you will find a copy of the indictment along with as much proof as I can put together today. The proof is endless. As I’m sure you know a lie has no leg to stand on, it must be supported by more and more lie.
I grew up in NJ. By 1988 when I was 16, I began attending Grateful Dead shows. I saw a lot of shows in 1989—1990 including Brent's complete final tour. Didn’t miss one show that summer. In 1990 after the summer tour I attended college in FT. Lauderdale Fl, where I graduated with a degree of International Business. In those four years, I attended more Grateful Dead shows than college classes. After graduation, I left for the summer tour.
At the end of the summer tour I attended the three JGB shows at the Warfield sometime around August 15 16 17. On August 18th I returned home to Lauderdale and walked right into a DEA setup in which I handed a confidential informant 3500 hits of freshly laid soaking wet white blotter hand perforated. It was the biggest mistake of my life. The DEA wanted me to join the team and rat out my friends. I couldn’t do that. I loved Jerry, and the (family). I went directly to Federal Prison. Fresh out of college, and barely a man of 22. I ended up serving 46 months in federal prison and 5 years of supervised release which ended in 2003.
I am well known in the bay area.
Last year I had the unfortunate luck of stumbling across this piece of shit Robert Piggott, you see he was using this woman and her 2 children to work his way in with what’s left of the scene. I was immediately informed by my friends that he was no good, but my new girlfriend who was his friend wouldn’t believe me and so he ended up hanging around me.
Knowing that he was a rat, every time I met with him, I was very guarded, and I kept my hands clean as I watched him deal all sorts of drugs. I made sure not to be involved in any of his schemes, but I had a front row seat. All the while I was waiting to see the outcome.
Then he began to focus all of his energy on trying to get me to commit felonies. I played along and led him along to think that I might do something for him, until it came to a boiling point--- in which he lured me to a hotel room and then tried to get me to accept something that would result in a life sentence... at that point I clearly embarrassed him in front of his DEA handlers Javier Pena and Michael K. Robinson, who were gathered around waiting to kick the door in. My hands were clean and there was nothing they could do to me. That’s when the news broke, that big wave Dave Behar has been indicted.
The indictment refers to Dave as "Wavy Davy"---Everyone knows Dave as "Big Wave", and Piggott was the only person who ever referred to him as 'Wavy". He did so in that hotel room, which was meant to be a reverse sting on myself---when he was attempting to get me to receive a jar (of LSD).
The CS refers to DMT as "orange goo"---A friend and I repeatedly heard him talking about the orange goo. In the wee hours of the morning, on November 29th (the date of the Behar arrest), Robert Piggott quietly crept out of our house (he was sleeping on our couch)
The CS provided Behar with a number of compact disks and a bottle---(Piggott used our home computer to burn disks that night and he brandished the bottle in my home.
The currency was all in 100 dollar bills---Piggott like to brag about all his drug money always being in crisp 100 dollar bills
The Agent noted that the CS saw flakes in the bottle--- PIGGOTT, on several occasions, JUGGLED A BOTTLE LIKE A WORTHLESS TRINKET in front of me, attempting to get me to look at the flakes with A BLACK LIGHT--- I TURNED MY HEAD AND REFUSED and told him to put it away. THIS IS THE SAME BUY BUST SIGNAL HE WAS TRYING TO USE ON ME. When confronted about his whereabouts during the Sting on "Big Wave", ROBERT PIGGOTT stated it couldn’t have been him, he was on a plane to Denver early that morning. A search of flight records revealed that he didn’t really fly to Denver until later that evening, I forget, either 5:30 pm or 8:30pm (we have the flight record somewhere). His flight left from San Jose, giving him plenty of time to debrief with the Government and then vacate the bay area.
Over the weeks leading up to the arrest, PIGGOTT scored on three different occasions a five jar, another five jar, and then
2 grams. The DEA initially charged John Lagace with the 15 grams they found, then miraculously the count went to 27, hence the 3 previous purchases. 15 + 5 + 5 + 2
Robert Piggott called Dave in Hawaii and paid for his flight to California to lure him into this trap. Big Waves girlfriend Lyndsay was Robert Piggott’s ex girlfriend. He was seriously scorned, and although he pretended to be Dave’s friend, he harbored a deep rooted hatred for him. Robert Piggott was one of only a handful of people that Dave would serve.
After the Behar bust, Robert Piggott could not be located by his friends for several days, from the time of the bust until my meeting with him in the hotel, meant to be a reverse sting on me.
THE EVIDENCE GOES ON AND ON AND ON--- A LIE HAS NO LEGS TO STAND ON SO IT MUST BE SUPPORTED BY MORE AND MORE LIES. He has an answer for everything, but nothing he says adds up. Beware:.. this man is a predator that feeds on the poor hippies. He is armed with (at the bare minimum) a knife, which he attempted to stab me with at a recent Mickey Hart show in Jim Thorpe Pennsylvania where I confronted him about being a rat. He has an extensive criminal history and he is driven purely by his love of money.
And yet a third interested party had this to say---
Jason Benjamin Murray, and Robert c Piggott cooperated with the feds, that's where he started to work for special agent Michael k Robinson. Jason Benjamin Murray received a 5k1 for his cooperation with the feds by turning Robert Piggott onto his Canadian hells angels connection Devron Quast. Jason Benjamin Murray still got 10 years with his 5k1 so he looked like a standup. Now Devron Quast and his boys from Canada are all locked up for life in a federal super max.
Robert Piggott continues to travel the country with impunity. this guy is bad news.
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